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¡Joe Vogel para el Congreso!

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Soy un inmigrante de Uruguay y delegado estatal que se postula para representarlo en el Congreso de los Estados Unidos, pues ha llegado el momento de elegir a un latino para el Congreso.

Joe nació en Uruguay y se mudó a Maryland cuando era un niño pequeño. Su historia de vida es un reflejo de cómo todo es posible en este país. Un líder comunitario convertido en Delegado Estatal, Joe ahora está postulándose para representar a Maryland Central y Occidental en el Congreso porque es hora de enviar una perspectiva fresca y un solucionador de problemas probado a Washington. Mientras los extremistas d e extrema derecha trabajan para terminar con nuestra democracia y eliminar libertades fundamentales, nunca ha sido más claro: Ahora es el momento de elegir líderes que puedan cumplir.


En la Cámara de Delegados de Maryland, Joe tiene un historial comprobado de enfrentar de frente nuestros mayores desafíos.


Joe lideró legislación bipartidista para abordar nuestros desafíos más significativos. Nunca evitando enfrentar peleas difíciles, Joe logró importantes victorias para las familias de Maryland. Escribió y aprobó legislación para realizar inversiones históricas en salud mental, combatir el aumento de los crímenes de odio y abordar la crisis del fentanilo.


Joe enfrentó la crisis de salud mental atrayendo y reteniendo más profesionales de la salud mental en las escuelas públicas de Maryland. Finalmente, se enmendó en la Ley de Escasez de Educadores del Gobernador Moore, este proyecto de ley garantizará que los estudiantes de Maryland tengan una educación de clase mundial con acceso a los recursos de salud mental que necesitan.


Joe presentó y obtuvo un apoyo unánime y bipartidista para aprobar la Ley Josh Siems para mejorar drásticamente los procesos de prueba de fentanilo en los hospitales de Maryland. Esta nueva ley abordará directamente la epidemia de sobredosis de fentanilo y, en última instancia, salvará vidas en todo nuestro estado.


En respuesta a la creciente tendencia de crímenes de odio en todo Maryland, Joe aprobó un proyecto de ley para establecer la Comisión sobre la Respuesta y Prevención de Crímenes de Odio para asegurar que las comunidades más afectadas por esta violencia tengan voz en el desarrollo de soluciones.


En resumen: Joe tiene un historial de colaboración con colegas para lograr grandes cosas.


La determinación de Joe para defender nuestra democracia está motivada por la historia de su familia.


Los bisabuelos de Joe fueron obligados a dejar atrás a sus familias y huir de Europa en vísperas del Holocausto. Décadas más tarde, sus abuelos y padres vivieron bajo una dictadura militar represiva en Uruguay. Mientras los extremistas de extrema derecha trabajan para desestabilizar la democracia estadounidense, Joe está comprometido apasionadamente en asegurarse de que no sea la cuarta generación de su familia en presenciar el derrumbe de la democracia.


En el núcleo de la historia de Joe se encuentra su compromiso inquebrantable de construir un futuro mejor para la comunidad que le ha dado tanto.


Antes de servir a su comunidad en Annapolis, Joe pasó una década trabajando para avanzar en nuestra comunidad y elegir líderes comprometidos con el progreso de nuestro país. A los 15 años, Joe se ofreció como voluntario en la campaña del presidente Barack Obama y más tarde ayudó a la senadora estatal del Distrito 17, Cheryl Kagan, durante su campaña de 2014. En 2016, Joe se unió a la campaña presidencial de la secretaria Hillary Clinton con la esperanza de enviar a la primera mujer a la Oficina Oval.


Como muchos estadounidenses, Joe no se rindió cuando Donald Trump ganó. En cambio, fortaleció su compromiso de luchar por el futuro de nuestro país. Después de la elección de Trump, Joe se sumergió en la lucha por la prevención de la violencia armada, los derechos reproductivos y los derechos LGBTQ. Trabajó para el senador Cory Booker, un defensor de la reforma de justicia penal y la igualdad económica. En 2020, Joe redobló sus esfuerzos para derrotar a Donald Trump, ayudando a la campaña del presidente Biden antes de las elecciones generales. Después de ayudar a recuperar la Casa Blanca, Joe se volvió hacia Maryland para ayudar a su comunidad que sufría por los efectos de la pandemia.


En Maryland, Joe organizó a su comunidad para aumentar el financiamiento educativo para los estudiantes de Maryland y fundó "Learn It Together", una organización educativa nacional sin fines de lucro para proporcionar tutorías gratuitas a hijos de trabajadores esenciales. Trabajó con Interfaith Works para expandir sus esfuerzos de defensa contra la pobreza y se convirtió en un voluntario activo en la comunidad con el Manna Food Center, la Fundación Up2Us y la Red de Respuestas de Maryland. Ahora, está listo para continuar su trabajo para todos los habitantes de Maryland en la Cámara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos.

Joe cuenta con el apoyo de los líderes en quienes confiamos:

Joe será un defensor de nuestra comunidad

  • Creating Good Paying Jobs from Oakland to Gaithersburg
    Creating good-paying jobs here in Maryland’s 6th Congressional District will be my top priority in Congress. I’ll work with anyone or go anywhere, if it means helping grow our MD-06 businesses, or helping bring businesses home. Jobs are about more than just an income, it’s about purpose, community, and securing a better future for our families. I come from a small-business family. My grandfather in Uruguay was a union electrician, who opened up a corner store that grew into an electric equipment supply company. I understand the value of hard work, and how starting a small business, and creating news jobs, can transform a life, a family, and a community. In Congress, I’ll be Western Maryland's top ambassador for recruiting new businesses to come here – and will be a tireless champion for helping small businesses here grow. Prior to serving as Delegate, I worked with the group Interfaith Works on their poverty alleviation efforts. Organizations like Interfaith Works play an important role in supporting our communities, but we need our leaders to take action. Upon being elected to the Maryland legislature, I helped advance legislation to protect collective bargaining rights for teachers, raise the minimum wage, and expand the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit to support middle-class families. When elected, I will fight to raise the federal minimum wage and advocate for economic policies that will uplift the middle class. To build a future of renewed economic opportunity and sustainable communities, we need to support entrepreneurship, expand access to pipelines to higher education and the private sector for everyone, and support a thriving small business community to power local economies. This will create jobs and give working families the tools they need to thrive. In Congress, I will: SUPPORT Buy American policies such as those in the Inflation Reduction Act that require a certain threshold of EV components to be made in the United States to be eligible for government subsidies and those in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that created new opportunities for good-paying infrastructure construction jobs and included the Build America Buy America provision to promote domestic supplying SUPPORT the STEM Restart Act, which would create a new national program to support mid-career workers in reentering the STEM workforce by providing small and medium sized STEM businesses funding to offer paid internships and returnships SUPPORT the Workforce Development Investment Act, creating a tax credit for businesses to partner with community colleges and apprenticeship programs to develop workforce training programs for locally in-demand skills SUPPORT the No Tax Breaks for Outsourcing Act, ending incentives for jobs and profits overseas and ensure multinational corporations pay the same tax rate on profits earned abroad as they do in the United States SUPPORT the Paycheck Fairness Act, promoting greater accountability for gender based compensation discrimination COSPONSOR the EITC Modernization Act, extending Earned Income Tax Credits to caregivers and students pursuing higher education or advanced degrees COSPONSOR the Critical Infrastructure Manufacturing Feasibility Act, requiring the Department of Commerce to study and report on products in high demand across critical infrastructure sectors that are currently being imported due to manufacturing or supply chain constraints, and analyze the costs, benefits, and feasibility of manufacturing those products in the United States SUPPORT the University Centers for 4 Growth, Development, and Prosperity Act of 2023, expanding federal partnerships that use the resources of universities to strengthen regional economic growth by promoting innovation, entrepreneurship, and job creation in minority communities CO-SPONSOR the American Family Act to create a new increased, fully refundable per-child tax credit.
  • Defending Reproductive Freedom
    The Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization was a devastating blow to women across the country and their ability to make their own health care decisions. In light of this, Congress must prioritize making sure everyone, no matter their zip code, has access to affordable, reliable, and safe reproductive health care. In the Maryland State House, I proudly stood behind our state’s declaration of the Right to Reproductive Freedom and supported legislation to make Maryland a sanctuary state for those seeking reproductive care. When elected to Congress, I will fight to protect these rights nationwide for every American and get the government out of making decisions that should be left up to you and your family. In Congress, I will: COSPONSOR the Women’s Health Protection Act, establishing a right for healthcare professionals to provide abortion care and the right for their patients to receive care, free from bans and medically unnecessary restrictions that single out abortion care COSPONSOR the Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Healthcare (EACH) Act, ending the discriminatory Hyde Amendment and lifting unjust abortion coverage restrictions for those who depend on Medicaid and other government-sponsored plans COSPONSOR the Access to Birth Control Act, requiring pharmacies to provide customers any contraceptive or related medication that is in stock, without delay or exceptions on religious or conscience grounds SUPPORT the Ensuring Access to Abortion Act, banning states from punishing those who travel out of state for reproductive health care SUPPORT the Right to Contraception Act, prohibiting measures that prevent access to information related to contraception options
  • Ending Gun Violence
    Growing up with school shootings being a regular occurrence left a deep mark on me. I’ll never forget the fear of going to school as part of the school shooting generation. This reality shouldn’t be our new normal. When no sensible gun safety laws were passed after the Sandy Hook tragedy, I knew I had to get involved in politics. I started out by advocating for gun safety measures and candidates who supported them. I organized a March for Our Lives event, driven by the urgent need for change. Conversations with young people and parents echo these fears, highlighting the inadequacy of current safety measures. In the legislature, I've actively supported common sense gun safety laws, and I'm committed to continuing this fight in Congress. Interacting with young people and their parents, I consistently encounter a pervasive fear due to insufficient safety measures. In the legislature, I've actively championed common sense gun safety laws. My commitment is to extend this advocacy to Congress, relentlessly pursuing the safety our communities deserve. We can achieve all of this while respecting the Second Amendment, and without undermining the rights of responsible gun owners. I will fight for the long overdue passage of a national assault weapons ban, for widely-supported universal background checks, for red flag laws, and for greater funding of local community violence intervention programs. In Congress, I will: SUPPORT the Bipartisan Background Checks Act to institute universal background checks on all gun sales SUPPORT the Strengthening Protections for Domestic Violence and Stalking Survivors Act to prevent convicted stalkers and abusive dating partners subject to restraining orders from buying and possessing guns COSPONSOR the Gun Violence Prevention Research Act, increasing the excise tax on firearms, including pistols, revolvers, and shells and cartridges by .5%. The revenue generated would be used to establish the Gun Violence Prevention Trust Fund, a fund that will direct money to violence prevention, gun violence research, hate crimes data collection and enforcement, and firearm forensics SUPPORT the Assault Weapons Ban of 2023, making it a crime to knowingly import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess a semiautomatic assault weapon or large capacity ammunition feeding device SUPPORT the Ghost Guns Are Guns Act and the Protecting Our Communities Act, ensuring that Ghost Guns are subject to the same regulations as any other form of firearm SUPPORT Ethan’s Law, creating federal guidelines that mandate gun owners safely and securely store their firearms REVERSE the 2005 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, expanding gun manufacturer liability to civil suits and ensuring accountability and access to justice for gun violence victims exists nationwide COSPONSOR the Handgun Permit to Purchase Act, authorizing a grant program for states, local governments, and Native American tribes to implement and evaluate handgun purchaser licensing requirements
  • Protecting Our Planet
    We are facing a climate emergency that poses a grave threat to the future of our planet. Experts report that natural disasters have cost the United States more than $450 billion over the past three years, and are projected to cost $54 trillion globally by 2040. Those numbers fail to convey the devastation from lives lost, and the impacts on communities displaced by increasing climate crises. Climate change is having effects right here in Maryland’s 6th Congressional District. Warming temperatures pose challenges for ski tourism in Garrett County, Frederick has faced drought warnings as farmers grapple with the threats warming temperatures pose to crops, and the extreme storms last summer in Washington County were part of a pattern of extreme weather across the District. As a Delegate, I am advancing a bold climate agenda, while creating jobs and promoting economic opportunity for small businesses. As I shared with the Cumberland Times News, responding to the climate crisis can create jobs right here in MD-06. I’ve sponsored legislation to create the Climate Technology Founders Fund to boost climate startups here in Maryland, as well as legislation to make it easier for construction companies to afford construction equipment that is carbon emissions free. I co-sponsored the expansion of the Clean Trucks Act of 2023, the Community Solar Energy Generating Systems Program, as well as a bill that would allow the Maryland Attorney General to prosecute any publicly traded entity that unlawfully contributed to climate change. In Congress, I will: COSPONSOR the 100% Clean Economy Act, setting a national goal of achieving a 100% clean economy by no later than 2050, requiring each federal agency to develop and implement a plan to rapidly achieve that national goal, and empowering the Environmental Protection Agency to monitor, evaluate, and report on the progress of the United States in achieving the national goal. PROTECT the climate measures of the Inflation Reduction Act, providing financial incentives to galvanize greater investment in green technology at the municipal, industrial, and consumer levels on everything from electric vehicles and residential efficiency improvements to carbon sequestration and green energy production COSPONSOR the Clean Competition Act, encouraging international decarbonization, as well as increase American industrial competitiveness by ensuring domestic producers are not disadvantaged by more stringent American environmental standards COSPONSOR the Environmental Justice For All Act, outlining provisions to address the disproportionate negative health and environmental effects of federal laws and programs on communities of color, low-income communities, or tribal and indigenous communities; prohibiting disparate impacts on the basis of race, color, or national origin; enabling aggrieved persons to seek legal remedy when faced with such discrimination; raising coal, oil, and gas royalty rates to create a funding source to support fossil fuel-dependent communities and displaced workers as they transition away from fossil fuel industries; and creating a White House Environmental Justice Interagency Council charged with issuing a holistic environmental justice strategy COSPONSOR the Climate Adaptation Plan Act, directing the Environmental Protection Agency to establish a competitive grant program to facilitate the development of climate adaptation plans for low income and rural communities across the country COSPONSOR the HOPE for HOMES Act, helping homeowners retrofit their homes to cut their monthly energy costs, stimulating the energy efficiency market for jobs and suppliers, investing in workforce training for this crucial industry, and combating the climate crisis by promoting clean, energy efficient technology COSPONSOR the Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator Act, establishing and funding an independent, nonprofit accelerator charged with investing in clean energy technologies and infrastructure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and making capital available to state, territorial, or local green banks COSPONSOR the National High Speed Rail Act, investing $205 billion to build a national high-speed rail network, create more than 2.6 million direct jobs over five years across the country, and make high-speed rail a competitive option against carbon-intensive modes of travel such as road and air travel COSPONSOR the ZEVs Act, directing the EPA to set a schedule for increasing the percentage of zero-emission vehicles a vehicle manufacturer must deliver for sale, culminating in a requirement to sell only zero-emission vehicles from 2035 on REVIVE the American Clean Energy and Security Act, establishing a cap and trade system for the United States under which a limit on national carbon emissions is set by the government and a marketplace is established for ​​companies to buy or sell permits to emit these greenhouse gasses. Such a measure would allow the federal government to establish a clear, incremental path to decarbonization by 2050, but allow market forces in the private sector to determine the most cost-effective methods to facilitate that transition
  • Honoring Veterans, Service Members, Their Families, Caregivers and Survivors
    The freedom we enjoy as Americans is not free, and we owe a debt of gratitude to the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, Guardians, and Coast Guardsman who have made sacrifices for all of us. Thanking our troops and Veterans for their service matters, but we need to demonstrate that gratitude by advancing policies that support the bravest among us. If elected to Congress, I commit to being a staunch advocate for Veterans, active military personnel, and their families. Support for Veteran Entrepreneurship: If elected, I would support expansion of training services for Veterans interested in starting their own businesses upon completion of their service. I would support policies that incentivize the hiring of Veteran owned businesses as primary contractors and subcontractors for both public and private projects to help Veterans break into business networks. In Congress, I will: SUPPORT the Veteran Entrepreneurs Act, granting a business-related tax credit of 25% of up to $400,000 of the franchise fees paid or incurred by an eligible Veteran for the purchase of a franchise. SUPPORT the Veteran Entrepreneurship Training Act, providing entrepreneurship training to individuals including veterans and active members of the Armed Forces, to be administered by the Small Business Administration. SUPPORT the Investing in VETS Act, raising from 3% to 5% the federal contracting participation goal for small businesses that are owned and controlled by service-disabled Veterans. Military Families and Spouses: SUPPORT the Military Spouse Hiring Act to add military spouses as a Target Group of the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), providing tax benefits to employers who hire military spouses. SUPPORT the Job Security for Military Families Act, extending protections listed in the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) to military spouses. SUPPORT the Improving Access to Maternal Health for Military and Dependent Moms Act ensuring service members and spouses receive proper and sufficient maternity services. SUPPORT the Maintaining Our Obligation to Moms Who Serve Act, requiring the Secretary of Defense to establish a program for perinatal mental health prevention for pregnant and postpartum members of the Armed Forces and their families. SUPPORT the More Child Care and Jobs for Military Families Act, expanding child care access and employment opportunities for military families in military installations. Improving GI Bill Benefits and Accessibility: The GI Bill offers impactful educational benefits for service members, however like many other government programs it is hard to navigate. Creating resources that make determining benefits and eligibility easier will be a key priority. In Congress, I will: COSPONSOR the Sgt. Isaac Woodard, Jr. and Sgt. Joseph H. Maddox GI Bill Restoration Act, expanding eligibility for Post-9/11 GI bill benefits and the VA home loan program to Black Veterans and their families who were historically denied benefits on account of their race, as well as requiring the VA to appoint a panel of independent experts to develop recommendations regarding additional benefits and assistance for female and minority members of the Armed Forces. SUPPORT making the Forever GI Bill applicable to those who served back to 2001. ELIMINATE the time limit on how long Veterans or their families have to use the GI Bill’s educational benefits for those whose education have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Improving VA Healthcare: The VA must be equipped with the funding, personnel, and policies needed to provide comprehensive healthcare benefits to our Veterans. I firmly supported the PACT Act that improved access to care for Veterans exposed to toxics during their service. In Congress, I will: SUPPORT the full implementation of the PACT Act, the Deborah Sampson Act, the VA MISSION Act and the VA Caregivers Program. SUPPORT VA outreach efforts across Western Maryland, to ensure all Veterans can maximize their benefits. Eliminating Veteran Homelessness Members of our military leave home to protect it, but too many return and find that they no longer have a home to come back to. I am a firm supporter of guaranteeing access to housing. We have a duty to ensure that no one who sacrificed for their country is forced to live on the street. In Congress, I will: FULLY FUND the HUD-VASH program, an ongoing collaboration between the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the VA, working to end Veteran homelessness once and for all Expanding Access to Veteran Mental Health Support The scars of service come in all shapes and sizes, some visible, others not. Today, reports suggest that 41 percent of Veterans are in need of mental health care programs every year. Access remains insufficient. Championing access to mental health care was a primary focus for me in the State Legislature, and I intend to continue that fight in Congress. In Congress, I will: SUPPORT the Revising and Expediting Actions for the Crisis Hotline (REACH) for Veterans Act, requiring the VA to update training and procedures for call responders of the Veterans Crisis Line to improve quality of care provision, and aligning quality with market standards. COSPONSOR the Post-9/11 Veterans’ Mental Health Care Improvement Act, requiring the VA to expand access to mental health care, expand its mental health workforce, and conduct studies and research on how to better address Veteran mental health challenges. OVERSEEING continued funding and quality service provision for the four VA clinics currently providing services in District 06: Fort Detrick VA Clinic, Hagerstown VA Clinic, Montgomery County VA Clinic, and Cumberland VA Clinic Financial Assistance For Servicemembers The choice to serve is one that should not come at the cost of your family’s financial wellbeing. With costs continuing to rise at home, we have a responsibility to ensure that service members have the financial means necessary to look after themselves and their families. If elected I would support pay raises for the military service members, and work to ensure active duty service members and their families have the financial support they need. In Congress, I will: SUPPORT the Basic Needs Allowance (BNA) Fairness Act, making BNA exempt from federal income taxes. Protecting Access to Reproductive Care If elected to Congress, I will be a fierce advocate for nationwide abortion protections. We have a responsibility to ensure that service members can access reproductive care no matter where they are deployed. In Congress, I will: COSPONSOR the Protecting Service Members and Military Families’ Access to Health Care Act, codifying access to non-covered reproductive health care, including abortion services, for service members and their families regardless of the state in which they are stationed. Improving Safety Precautions for Military Equipment and Training Practices Members of our armed forces join the military knowing that they are putting their lives at risk to defend our nation. That choice, however, in no way lessens our responsibility to reduce safety and health risks for military personnel in any way we can. Reports suggest that 73% of active-duty personnel and mobilized reservist casualties occurred under circumstances unrelated to war. Many more suffer from health complications received due to unsafe practices on bases and in training. This cannot continue. If elected, I will make it a priority to ensure that we honor the sacrifice and service of our military by taking every precaution possible to keep them safe. In Congress, I will: SUPPORT the Military Equipment Quality and Safety Reform Act, requiring the department of defense to establish and implement a comprehensive system for analyzing and addressing nonconformities in the aftermath of all Class A Mishaps (military personnel deaths or permanent injuries) to more effectively root out the causes of training or on-base deaths. INTRODUCE legislation directing the Department of Defense to act on recent studies that reveal the brain injury risks of shoulder-fired missiles for our troops.
  • Standing With Unions
    I’ve had the privilege of meeting union workers and organizers from Gaithersburg to Garrett County. As Delegate, I’ve been a champion for workers rights and union rights – sponsoring legislation to extend unemployment benefits to striking workers and ban captive audience meetings in Maryland. My grandfather was a union electrician. He believes unions built a strong middle-class and they will be key in helping rebuild the middle-class. We know that collective bargaining is a critical component to creating a healthy economy and sustainable communities. The right to organize to advocate for safer working conditions, better wages, and higher benefits must be protected so that Maryland’s working families can thrive. When elected, I will immediately Co-Sponsor the PRO Act, which gives unions a greater ability to advocate for their members and codify worker and union protections into law. I will support Davis Bacon (local prevailing) wage standards for construction projects that receive federal assistance. I will staunchly oppose Right to Work policies that undermine collective organizing, and will protect the right of contractors and subcontractors to form Community Workforce Agreements that benefit their members. As a candidate for Delegate, I made earning the support of unions such as AFL-CIO, LiUNA, and MCEA a priority. I want to make it clear where I stands when it comes to workers’ rights and fair standards, so Maryland’s union members know that they can trust me to always support them in Congress and at the picket line. In Congress, I will: WORK closely with our union partners here in our community to ensure they are getting fair labor contracts for federally funded projects. SUPPORT the Restoring Overtime Pay Act, guaranteeing overtime eligibility for all workers making less than $51,000 per year COSPONSOR the PRO Act, guaranteeing bargaining rights for employees who are misclassified as independent contractors, establishing a process for helping newly organized workers achieve a first contract, ending “right to work” laws, and protecting the right to engage in secondary picketing and to strike without being “permanently replaced,” i.e., fired. PROTECT the Jones Act, allowing only U.S.-flagged, -built and -crewed ships to transport goods between U.S. ports COSPONSOR the Tax Fairness for Workers Act, allowing an above-the-line tax deduction for union dues and expenses to ensure participation in collective organizing does not come at the cost of financial security for workers SUPPORT the No Tax Breaks for Union Busting (NTBUB) Act, denying employers a tax deduction for any expenditures incurred for attempting to dissuade employees from organizing collectively or pursuing labor organization activities, such as elections, labor disputes, and collective actions COSPONSOR the Rail Worker and Community Safety Act, enhancing safety requirements for trains to protect workers, passengers, cargo, and communities from harm
  • Rebuilding Our Infrastructure
    Reliable and safe public transportation and infrastructure builds sustainable communities for future generations. And if we want to achieve this goal, we need to make those investments now. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is doing a great deal to get that job done, but to build a better Maryland, we need to do more. This means investing in accessible, reliable, and affordable public transit options to help connect Marylanders with opportunity. With housing and gas prices as expensive as they are, so many find themselves simply too far from job opportunities to find employment. Long transit times cut into their time on the job and with their families. Better transit options are the solution. I know we can get to a future where every Marylander has access to affordable and clean public transportation that can get them to and from work in under an hour. This requires investing in expanded bus fleets, metro systems, and high-speed commuter rails. The best part is that with these investments, we can create millions of jobs while making sure tax money is returned to taxpayers. Revitalizing Maryland’s transportation infrastructure is the key to building a more accessible, equitable, and sustainable future, and in Congress I will fight to accelerate that process. In Congress, I will: ADVOCATE to fully fund the Brunswick Line, so we finally have two-way, all-day, every-day MARC access from Brunswick to DC. FIGHT to bring home money for infrastructure investments across the 6th Congressional District, including to alleviate transit congestion, support communities improve water infrastructure, and build-out new sorely needed community infrastructure projects. COSPONSOR the National High Speed Rail Act, investing $205 billion to build a national high-speed rail network, create more than 2.6 million direct jobs over five years across the country, and make high-speed rail a competitive option against carbon-intensive modes of travel such as road and air travel IMPLEMENT the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law COSPONSOR the Federal Infrastructure Bank Act of 2023, establishing a Federal Infrastructure Bank to provide equity investments, direct loans, and loan guarantees for the planning, design, construction, operation or maintenance of infrastructure projects in the United States, prioritizing projects in rural areas COSPONSOR the Fueling Alternative Transportation with a Carbon Aviation Tax Act, raising the tax on private jet fueling to fund greater investment in public transit options in communities COSPONSOR the School Infrastructure Modernization Act, allowing rehabilitation expenditures for outdated public school buildings to qualify for historic rehabilitation tax credits COSPONSOR the Resilient Transit Act of 2023, providing federal grants for public transportation improvement projects that increase the resilience of public transportation systems to the impacts of climate change, such as sea level rise, flooding, wildfires, extreme weather events, and other natural disasters COSPONSOR the Incentivizing Value Capture for Greener Transportation Act, making grants available to state and local governments to implement proposed value capture mechanisms that secure sustainable long-term funding for public infrastructure and transit development
  • Addressing The Fentanyl Epidemic
    In 2021, there were over 76,975 deaths from opioid overdoses, and thousands right here in Maryland. In the legislature, addressing this crisis has been one of my top priorities. I authored, introduced and we passed the bipartisan Josh Siems Act to improve fentanyl testing processes in Maryland hospitals. I’m the sponsor of legislation to cap the cost of over-the-counter NARCAN at $10, and to promote life saving joint prescribing regulations. When elected to Congress, I will work tirelessly to advance legislation and funding for prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation programs here in Maryland. Having spent time with overdose prevention professionals and advocates, both as a legislator and in my time visiting communities across Western Maryland, I know we are in desperate need of more resources to address this public health crisis. I’ll collaborate directly with federal and state officials, local public health agencies, and nonprofit organizations to deliver on the resources they need. I will also support the bipartisan Fentanyl Eradication and Narcotics Deterrence (FEND) Off Fentanyl Act, and advocate for diplomatic and border security measures to stop the flow of fentanyl. Brooke’s House in Hagerstown is a remarkable example of an effective community-based treatment and rehabilitation program. In Congress, I will work to replicate the Brooke’s House model so all Americans have access to similar care options. In Congress, I will: COSPONSOR the FEND Off Fentanyl Act, empowering U.S. government agencies to more effectively disrupt illicit opioid supply chains, penalize those facilitating the trafficking of fentanyl, and ensure that sanctions are imposed not only on the illicit drug trade, but also on the money laundering that makes it profitable DEFEND the SUPPORT Act, increasing funding for community solutions to the overdose crisis, and making MOUD treatment (effective treatments for addiction that prevent overdoses and help people maintain recovery and avoid return-to-use) more accessible COSPONSOR the Modernizing Opioid Treatment Access Act, expanding access to methadone for an individual's use to treat opioid use disorder, and directing the DEA to register certain practitioners to prescribe methadone that is dispensed through a pharmacy for an individual's use OPPOSE the HALT Fentanyl Act, which is opposed by 158 national, state, and local public health, criminal justice reform, and civil rights organizations, and imposes overzealous sentences on people with substance use disorder rather than targeting the source of the crisis
  • Aging With Dignity
    In Congress, I’ll fight for older Americans because everyone deserves to age with dignity in the community they call home. Right now, Maryland’s seniors need our leaders to act to help make that a reality. The pandemic exposed and exacerbated long-standing challenges impacting our senior care and health care systems. We have a responsibility to our elders to ensure these challenges are addressed. In Congress, I will be a fierce defender of Social Security and Medicare. At the same time, I will work across the aisle to improve the deliverability of these programs, improve access to affordable and quality long-term care, reduce the cost of prescription drugs, and provide options for seniors to remain active in their communities. In Congress, I will: COSPONSOR the Supporting Our Seniors Act, creating a National Advisory Commission on long-term care services for seniors and individuals in need of support for activities of daily living that would assess and provide regular reporting to Congress on service delivery, financing, workforce adequacy, and other issues related to long-term care to help increase access to affordable care services RENEW the Older Americans Act Reauthorization (set to expire in 2024), helping aging Americans access skillbuilding and capacity-building training to remain active in their communities as they choose to and supporting senior and community centers across the country SUPPORT the Senior Hunger Prevention Act, streamlining nutrition access for older adults and adults with disabilities. No senior in our country should go hungry SUPPORT the Fraud and Scam Reduction Act, establishing a Senior Scams Prevention Advisory Group to create model educational materials to educate employees of retailers, financial-services companies, and wire-transfer companies on how to identify and prevent scams that affect older adults, as well as establish an advisory office in the Bureau of Consumer Protection to assist the FTC in monitoring scams targeting older adults, educating consumers, and receiving complaints
  • Improving Healthcare Access
    Every Marylander should have access to affordable and reliable health care, regardless of their race or background. I support efforts to make Medicare a health care option for everyone so we can reduce costs for working families, while preserving access to private providers for those who prefer it. I will be a champion for health equity within our healthcare system. Furthermore, I believe that understanding the links between nutrition, housing, and health is essential to creating an equitable health care system, and as such will work to encourage insurance providers to invest in patient access to these resources and other preventative care services to promote holistic health, reduce long term costs, and create healthier communities. We also need to recognize the urgency of the mental health crisis and work together to pass meaningful legislation to help the most vulnerable among us. In Maryland, I led efforts to provide debt forgiveness for mental health professionals in schools and roll out the mental health crisis hotlines. In Congress, I will take steps to expand access to mental health care providers and advocate for increasing research into preventative steps for our communities to support their neighbors. As our loved ones get older, we also need to confront the issue of rising home-based, long-term care. Middle-class families should not have to exhaust their savings to provide care for elderly, sick, or disabled loved ones. When elected, I will advocate for a public long-term insurance program that uses a light payroll tax to give caregivers access up to $36,500 over a lifetime for professional care, medical equipment and home safety evaluations –things that families often have to pay out of pocket– to ensure all seniors in our communities receive the care they deserve. In Congress, I will: COSPONSOR the Health Equity Innovation Act, amending the Public Health Service Act to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Minority Health, to award grants to faith- or community-based organizations to address persistent health inequities and chronic disease challenges COSPONSOR the Improving Access to Mental Health Act, increasing the Medicare reimbursement rate for clinical social worker services, and expanding the mental health services eligible for coverage COSPONSOR the Improving Mental Health Access for Students Act, requiring institutions of higher education to share contact information for suicide prevention resources with students COSPONSOR the Improving Mental Health and Wellness in School Act, adding mental health promotion and education to the existing requirements of local school wellness policies, and requiring the inclusion of registered dietitians, school-based mental health services providers, and a multidisciplinary team of school personnel in the development and implementation of local school wellness policies COSPONSOR the Youth Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Act, authorizing the Secretary of Health and Human Services to establish a grant program that enhances services for high school students with mental health and behavioral health issues such as depression, substance abuse, and suicide attempts Senior Healthcare COSPONSOR the Long-Term Care Affordability Act, allowing the use of tax-exempt retirement plans to pay for long-term health care insurance, and excluding such distributions from the gross income of an insured individual up to $2,500 per individual in a taxable year PROTECT the Inflation Reduction Act’s Senior Healthcare Protections, including: The Medicare Drug Pricing Program, allowing Medicare to negotiate the prices of certain drugs directly with drug manufacturers to lower the costs for consumers The Insulin Price Cap, creating a ceiling for the cost of insulin for Medicare beneficiaries at $35 The Free Senior Vaccine Measure, prohibiting Medicare D Plans from imposing cost-sharing for vaccines recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices The Drug Company Rebate Requirement, requiring drug companies to pay rebates if they raise prices faster than the rate of inflation SUPPORT legislation to codify the proposed Department of Health and Human Service rule that would establish comprehensive staffing requirements for nursing homes, including national minimum nurse staffing standards, to ensure access to safe, high-quality care for the over 1.2 million residents living in nursing homes each day SPONSOR legislation providing tax credits for Americans serving as caregivers for elderly family members SPONSOR legislation exploring a public long-term care insurance program similar to the WA Cares Fund that uses a light payroll tax to give caregivers access up to $36,500 over a lifetime for professional care, medical equipment and home safety evaluations — things often paid out of pocket
  • Safety and Justice for Every Community
    A well trained, well funded, and well regulated justice and policing system is critical to the promotion of safe, prosperous neighborhoods. If elected, I intend to ensure this is the reality for every community. To accomplish this requires ensuring law enforcement officers have the resources required to effectively do their jobs, updating law enforcement policies to ensure officers are trained by and adhere to policies that keep both them and members of the community safe, and amending criminal codes and justice policies to end the disproportionate harm historically done to marginalized communities, particularly those of color. In Congress, I will: COSPONSOR the Providing Child Care for Police Officers Act of 2023, establishing a pilot grant program to provide child care services for children of law enforcement officers to accommodate the shift work and abnormal working hours of such officers, enhancing recruitment and retention of such officers SPONSOR legislation expanding subsidized mental health service access for law enforcement officers to healthily manage the stresses and emotional tax of their work serving our communities SUPPORT the Federal Police Camera and Accountability Act, requiring federal law enforcement officers to wear body cameras and federal law enforcement agencies to install video cameras in patrol cars SUPPORT the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, increasing accountability for law enforcement misconduct, restricting the use of certain dangerous and discriminatory policing practices, enhancing transparency and data collection, and establishing best practices and training requirements on issues such as racial profiling, implicit bias, and the duty to intervene when another officer uses excessive force COSPONSOR the Law Enforcement Training for Mental Health Crisis Response Act, authorizing a grant program for law enforcement agencies and corrections agencies to obtain behavioral health crisis response training for law enforcement officers and corrections officers SUPPORT the EQUAL Act, eliminating the federal crack and powder cocaine sentencing disparity and applying it retroactively to those already convicted or sentenced COSPONSOR the Reverse Mass Incarceration Act, authorizing a grant program for states to implement evidence-based programs designed to reduce crime rates and incarcerations, building safe pathways to deconstruct the mass incarceration crisis in our country
  • Plan Para El Futuro De Nuestra Comunidad
    Mejorar Las Condiciones Económicas De Nuestra Comunidad For too long, the American economy has worked for the wealthy and well connected, while everyone else is left behind. But with the right policies, we can expand the reach of opportunity and build a stronger economy for everyone by investing in working families. I know first-hand how hard our Latino and immigrant families work, and it's time we have an economy that works for them. Por demasiado tiempo, la economía ha trabajado para los ricos, mientras que todos los demás quedan atrás. Con las políticas adecuadas, podemos ampliar el alcance de las oportunidades económicas y construir una economía más fuerte invirtiendo en las familias trabajadoras. Sé lo duro que trabajan nuestras familias latinas e inmigrantes, y es hora de que tengamos una economía que funcione para ellos también. In Congress, Delegate Vogel will: Oversee federal agency implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and American Recovery Plan to ensure economic aid reaches Latino communities. Support the STEM Restart Act, which would create a new national program to support mid-career workers in reentering the STEM workforce by providing small and medium sized STEM businesses funding to offer paid internships and returnships. Support the Workforce Development Investment Act, creating a tax credit for businesses to partner with community colleges and apprenticeship programs to develop workforce training programs for locally in-demand skills. Co-Sponsor the American Family Act to create a new increased, fully refundable per-child tax credit. Expand the Earned-Income Tax Credit to include individuals 65 and older to give low-income working seniors a boost and help them afford the medicine and food they need. Support the No Tax Breaks for Outsourcing Act, leveling the playing field for American workers and small businesses by making sure multinational corporations pay the same tax rate on profits earned abroad as they do in the U.S.. Support the PRO Act, strengthening protections for workers’ right to organize a union and bargain for higher wages, better benefits, and safer working conditions. Support the University Centers for 4 Growth, Development, and Prosperity Act of 2023, expanding federal partnerships that use the resources of universities to strengthen regional economic growth by promoting innovation, entrepreneurship, and job creation in minority communities. Co-Sponsor the Multilingual Financial Literacy Act, requiring the Financial Literacy and Education Commission to translate financial literacy information to different languages and report on the impact of language barriers on financial health. En el Congreso, el Delegado Vogel: Supervisará la implementación de la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación, la Ley de Infraestructura Bipartidista y el Plan de Recuperación Estadounidense para garantizar que la ayuda económica llegue a las comunidad Latina. Apoyará la Ley de Educación Financiera Multilingüe, que requiere que la Comisión de Educación y Educación Financiera traduzca la información sobre educación financiera a diferentes idiomas e informe sobre el impacto de las barreras del idioma en la salud financiera. Apoyará la Ley de Reinicio de STEM, que crearía un nuevo programa nacional para ayudar a los trabajadores a mitad de carrera a reingresar a la fuerza laboral de STEM al proporcionar fondos a las pequeñas y medianas empresas de STEM para ofrecer pasantías remuneradas y retornos. Apoyará la Ley de Inversión para el Desarrollo de la Fuerza Laboral, creando un crédito fiscal para que las empresas se asocien con colegios comunitarios y programas de aprendizaje para desarrollar programas de capacitación de la fuerza laboral para las habilidades en demanda local. Apoyará la Ley de Familia Estadounidense para crear un nuevo crédito fiscal por hijo aumentado y totalmente reembolsable. Ampliará el crédito fiscal por ingreso del trabajo para incluir a personas de 65 años o más para dar un impulso a los trabajadores de bajos ingresos y ayudarlos a pagar los medicamentos y los alimentos que necesitan. Apoyará la Ley De No Exenciones Fiscales para la Subcontratación, para garantizar que las corporaciones multinacionales paguen la misma tasa impositiva sobre las ganancias obtenidas en el extranjero que en los Estados Unidos. Apoyará la Ley PRO, que fortalece la protección del derecho de los trabajadores a organizar un sindicato y negociar salarios más altos, mejores beneficios y condiciones de trabajo más seguro. Apoyará la Ley de Centros Universitarios para el Crecimiento, el Desarrollo y la Prosperidad de 2023, ampliando las asociaciones federales que utilizan los recursos de las universidades para fortalecer el crecimiento económico regional mediante la promoción de la innovación, el espíritu empresarial y la creación de empleo en comunidades minoritarias. Mejorar La Salud y el Bienestar De Nuestra Comunidad Latinos in Maryland’s 6th Congressional District and across the country face significant challenges in health outcomes, mainly due to inequitable access to healthcare. Latinos are 66% at greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes, are less likely to receive treatment for mental health conditions, and during COVID-19 had a nearly 5 times higher rate of hospitalization. Improving the health and well-being of the Latino community will be one of my top priorities in Congress. Los Latinos en el Sexto Distrito de Maryland y en todo el país, enfrentan desafíos importantes con la salud, debido en gran parte al acceso desigual a la atención médica. Los Latinos tienen un 66% mayor riesgo de desarrollar diabetes tipo 2, tienen menos probabilidades de recibir tratamiento para afecciones de salud mental y durante el COVID-19 tuvieron una tasa de hospitalización casi 5 veces mayor. Mejorar la salud y el bienestar de la comunidad Latina será una de mis prioridades en el Congreso. In Congress, Delegate Vogel will: Support Medicare For All, while preserving access to private insurance for those who prefer it. Strongly support the Biden administration's decision to expand access to the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid benefits to the nearly 600,000 DACA recipients. Co-Sponsor the Health Equity and Access Under Law for Immigrant Families Act to remove barriers in health care for immigrants of all statuses. Co-Sponsor the Mental Health for Latinos Act to improve mental health outcomes among Latino communities. Join the Bipartisan Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Task Force and ensure there is a focus on the disproportionate impact the mental health and substance use disorder crises are having on Latinos. Co-Sponsor the Health Equity and Accountability Act that provides a roadmap to eliminate racial and ethnic health inequities. The legislation addresses the intersection of health inequities and race and ethnicity, immigration status, age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, language, and socioeconomic status. Co-Sponsor the SPEAK Act, requiring the Secretary of Health and Human Services to establish a task force to improve access to healthcare information technology for non-English speakers. En el Congreso, el Delegado Vogel: Apoyará a Medicare Para Todos, manteniendo al mismo tiempo el acceso a seguros privados para quienes lo prefieran. Apoyará firmemente la decisión de la administración Biden de ampliar el acceso a la Ley de Atención Médica Asequible y a los beneficios de Medicaid a los casi 600.000 beneficiarios de DACA. Apoyará la Ley de Equidad y Acceso a la Salud para Familias Inmigrantes para eliminar barreras en la atención médica para inmigrantes. Apoyará la Ley de Salud Mental para Latinos para mejorar los resultados de salud mental entre las comunidades latinas. Se Unirá al Grupo de Trabajo Bipartidista sobre Salud Mental y Trastornos por Uso de Sustancias y se asegurará de que haya un enfoque en el impacto desproporcionado que las crisis de salud mental y uso de sustancias están teniendo en los Latinos. Apoyará la Ley de Responsabilidad y Equidad en Salud para eliminar las desigualdades en salud raciales y étnicas. La legislación aborda la intersección de las desigualdades en salud y la raza y el origen étnico, el estatus migratorio, la edad, la discapacidad, la identidad de género, la orientación sexual, el idioma y el estatus socioeconómico. Apoyará la Ley SPEAK, que exige que el Secretario de Salud y Servicios Humanos establezca un grupo de trabajo para mejorar el acceso a la tecnología de la información sanitaria para quienes no hablan inglés. Ciudadanía Para Los DREAMers en Nuestra Comunidad Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients are making immense contributions to our community. They are doctors, lawyers, educators, community organizers, scientists, and business owners. During the COVID-19 pandemic, over 343,000 DACA recipients were on the frontlines as healthcare workers, first responders, educators, farm workers, and scientists. The DACA program, which allows these young people to live and work in the only country they have known, remains under attack by Republican politicians and conservative judges. In Congress, I will fight tirelessly for DREAMers in our country. Los recipientes de DACA están haciendo inmensas contribuciones a nuestra comunidad. Son médicos, abogados, educadores, organizadores comunitarios, científicos y empresarios. Durante la pandemia de COVID-19, más de 343,000 beneficiarios de DACA trabajaron como profesionales médicos, socorristas, educadores, trabajadores agrícolas y científicos. El programa de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia, que permite a estos jóvenes vivir y trabajar en el único país que han conocido, sigue siendo atacado por políticos republicanos y jueces conservadores. En el Congreso, Joe luchará por los DREAMers en nuestro país. In Congress, Delegate Vogel will: Co-Sponsor the Bipartisan American Dream and Promise Act to provide a pathway to citizenship for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients. Support the Biden administration's plan to expand access to the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid benefits to the nearly 600,000 DACA recipients. Defend DREAMers against any legislative, judicial, or administrative effort to end the DACA program. En el Congreso, el Delegado Vogel: Apoyará la Ley bipartidista Sueño y Promesa Americana para crear un camino permanente hacia la ciudadanía para los beneficiarios de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA). Apoyará el plan de la administración Biden para ampliar el acceso a la Ley de Atención Médica Asequible y los beneficios de Medicaid a los casi 600.000 beneficiarios de DACA. Defenderá a los DREAMers contra cualquier esfuerzo legislativo, judicial o administrativo para poner fin al programa DACA. Apoyando a Las Empresas Pequeñas en Nuestra Comunidad Latinos in Maryland are crucial to our working economy and play an increasing role in our state’s workforce development. As reported by the Census, latinos own nearly 50,000 businesses and make up over 11% of the workforce in the state. Yet, there have been systemic barriers that have disproportionately impacted small businesses, particularly following the Covid-19 pandemic. When in Congress, I will prioritize efforts to support small business creation, alleviate the challenges Latino-owned businesses experience when trying to access capital. Los Latinos en Maryland son cruciales para el desarrollo de la economía de nuestro estado. Según lo informado por el Censo, los latinos son dueños de casi 50,000 empresas y representan más del 11% de la fuerza laboral en el estado. Sin embargo, han habido barreras sistémicas que han afectado de manera desproporcionada a las pequeñas empresas, especialmente después de la pandemia de Covid-19. Cuando esté en el Congreso, yo voy a priorizar los esfuerzos para apoyar la creación de pequeñas empresas, aliviar los desafíos que tienen las empresas Latinas al intentar acceder a préstamos. In Congress, Delegate Vogel will: Support the ​​Giving Disadvantaged Businesses Opportunities for Success Act, connecting minority-owned enterprises with business opportunities, and increasing mentor-protégé programs Support the Biden-Harris Administration in their efforts to help small businesses continue to recover from COVID-19. Support the Small Business Administration's efforts to expand loans to Latino-owned businesses, who face challenges accessing credit from lenders. Latino-owned small businesses create thousands of jobs in Maryland's 6th Congressional District, and deliver over $800 billion to the U.S. economy every year. CO-SPONSOR the Small Business Financing Disclosure Act to protect small businesses from predatory lending practices. Support programs to increase capital and federal contracts for Latino-owned businesses. DEMAND accountability from our federal agency partners to ensure aid from the Inflation Reduction Act, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and American Rescue Plan reach Latino-owned businesses. ENGAGE Latino-owned small businesses in Maryland’s 6th Congressional District, to ensure they have full access to the resources and programs they are eligible for. En el Congreso, el Delegado Vogel: Apoyará la Ley de Oportunidades para el Éxito de las Empresas Desfavorecidas Apoyará a la Administración Biden-Harris en sus esfuerzos para ayudar a las pequeñas empresas a continuar recuperándose del COVID-19. Apoyará los esfuerzos de la Administración de Pequeñas Empresas para ampliar los préstamos a empresas latinas, que enfrentan desafíos para acceder al crédito de los prestamistas. Apoyará la Ley de Divulgación de Financiamiento de Pequeñas Empresas para proteger a las empresas pequeñas de prácticas crediticias abusivas. Apoyará programas para aumentar el capital y los contratos federales para empresas de propiedad latina. Demandará que la ayuda de la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación, la Ley Bipartidista de Infraestructura y el Plan de Rescate Estadounidense lleguen a empresas latinas. Será un recurso para las pequeñas empresas en el sexto distrito del Congreso de Maryland, para garantizar que tengan acceso total a los recursos y programas federales para los que son elegibles. Viviendas Seguras y Sanitarias Para Todos En Nuestra Comunidad Stable housing is the foundation upon which health, nutrition, and economic opportunity can be built. I will fight to ensure that every American, regardless of their economic situation or immigration status, can count on having a safe and healthy place to live. La vivienda estable es la base sobre la que se pueden construir la salud, la nutrición y las oportunidades económicas. Lucharé para garantizar que todos los estadounidenses, independientemente de su situación económica o estatus migratorio, puedan contar con un lugar seguro y saludable para vivir. In Congress, Delegate Vogel will: Support long-term housing investments to help reverse a housing crisis that disproportionately impacts the Latino community. Support funding for house counseling programs, fair housing initiative programs, and first-generation down payment assistance. ENGAGE with the Latino Task Force established under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and support their efforts to shape housing policies to secure housing security for the Latino community. Support efforts to increase supply of housing, especially transit oriented development and missing middle housing that is accessible for working families. Support the Yes In My Backyard Act, that would remove discriminatory zoning policies and burdensome regulations blocking housing and community development. Support the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act, expanding the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit to encourage investment in the development and maintenance of affordable housing. Prioritize Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding for projects that include planning, permitting, and zoning reforms for more inclusive and streamlined development. Prioritize Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding for projects that coordinate housing and infrastructure planning and development, including transit-oriented development programs. Support the End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act of 2023, to increase housing supply by mandating that large private equity firms and hedge funds sell off all single-family homes over a 10-year period, and fully phase out such practice. En el Congreso, el Delegado Vogel: Apoyará inversiones en nuevas viviendas para ayudar a revertir una crisis de vivienda que afecta desproporcionadamente a la comunidad latina. Apoyará la financiación para programas de asesoramiento sobre viviendas, programas de iniciativas de vivienda justa y asistencia para el pago inicial para compradores de primera generación. Participará en el Grupo de Trabajo Latino establecido bajo el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de EE. UU. y apoyará sus esfuerzos para dar forma a políticas de vivienda para garantizar la seguridad de la vivienda para la comunidad latina. Apoyará los esfuerzos para aumentar la oferta de viviendas, especialmente el desarrollo orientado al tránsito y la falta de viviendas intermedias que sean accesibles para las familias trabajadoras. Apoyará la ley que eliminaría las políticas de zonificación discriminatorias y las regulaciones que bloquean la vivienda y el desarrollo comunitario. Apoyará la Ley de Mejora del Crédito para Vivienda Asequible, que amplía el Crédito Fiscal para Viviendas de Bajos Ingresos para fomentar la inversión en el desarrollo y mantenimiento de viviendas asequibles. Apoyará prioridad a la financiación de la Ley Bipartidista de Infraestructura para proyectos que incluyan reformas de planificación, permisos y zonificación para un desarrollo más inclusivo y racionalizado. Apoyará prioridad a la financiación de la Ley Bipartidista de Infraestructura para proyectos que coordinen la planificación y el desarrollo de vivienda e infraestructura, incluidos los programas de desarrollo orientados al transporte. Apoyará la Ley de Fin del Control de Viviendas Estadounidenses por parte de los Fondos de Cobertura de 2023, para aumentar la oferta de viviendas. El Derecho A Votar Para Mejorar El Futuro De Nuestra Comunidad The promise of American democracy is not complete until all Americans, regardless of their race, ethnicity or income have an equal voice in our elections. If elected to Congress, I would fight against prohibitive voter ID laws often designed to suppress immigrant votes, protect early voting and mail-in voting to ensure access to the polls, and combat gerrymandering that decreases the weight of minority voters. La promesa de nuestra democracia no estará completa hasta que todos los estadounidenses, independientemente de su raza, etnicidad, o estatus económico, tengan la misma voz en nuestras elecciones. Si soy elegido para el Congreso, luchare contra las leyes diseñadas para suprimir los votos de los latinos, voy a proteger early voting y la votación por correo. In Congress, Delegate Vogel will: CO-SPONSOR the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act to set a baseline national standard to protect voting rights to counter a wave of voter suppression efforts across the country. CO-SPONSOR the For the People Act to expand voting rights, change campaign finance laws to reduce the influence of money in politics, ban partisan gerrymandering, and create new ethics rules for federal officeholders. GUARD against local efforts to disenfranchise or disempower voters across Maryland’s 6th Congressional District. En el Congreso, el Delegado Vogel: Apoyará la Ley John R. Lewis de Libertad de Voto para establecer un estándar nacional de referencia para proteger los derechos de voto y contrarrestar una ola de esfuerzos de supresión de votantes en todo el país. Apoyará la Ley Para el Pueblo para ampliar los derechos de voto, cambiar las leyes de financiación de campañas para reducir la influencia del dinero en la política, prohibir la manipulación partidista y crear nuevas normas éticas para los oficiales electos federales. Protegerá contra los esfuerzos locales para privar de sus derechos o quitarles el poder a los votantes en el sexto distrito del Congreso de Maryland. Apoyare A Los Inmigrantes En Nuestra Comunidad In Congress, Joe would be a staunch supporter of the DREAM and PROMISE Act, providing a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, Temporary Protected Status holders (TPS), and Deferred Enforcement Departure (DED) recipients. Migrants at our border must be treated with dignity and respect. Having safe borders should not come at the expense of the dignity and humanity that all people deserve, particularly for those fleeing violence, poverty, conflict, and persecution. En el Congreso, Joe sería un firme partidario de la Ley DREAM y PROMISE, que proporciona un camino hacia la ciudadanía para los Dreamers, los titulares de Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) y los beneficiarios de Salida Diferida (DED). Los migrantes en nuestra frontera deben ser tratados con dignidad y respeto. Tener fronteras seguras no debe ser a expensa de la dignidad y la humanidad que todas las personas merecen, en particular aquellas que huyen de la violencia, la pobreza, los conflictos y la persecución. In Congress, Delegate Vogel will: CO-SPONSOR the Bipartisan American Dream and Promise Act to provide a pathway to citizenship for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients, Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders, and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) recipients. CO-SPONSOR the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2023, to create a pathway to citizenship, address the root causes of migration, restore our commitment to human rights, and provide the resources necessary to manage the border with smart, effective, and humane tools. Support strategic diplomatic and foreign aid efforts to engage in Central America to address the root causes of migration by promoting democracy, economic prosperity, and security in Central America. STRONGLY OPPOSE the Child Separation Act and family-separation policies that treat families and children seeking refuge with cruelty, and undermine their basic human rights. OPPOSE efforts to extend or expand Title 42, and call for the full restoration of migrant's access to asylum. Support strong worker protections for recipients of H-2B worker visas, and work with the administration to crack down on fraud and abuse of this program, especially in the construction and landscape industries. Support a publically funded health insurance option for all Americans regardless of their financial circumstances or immigration status. REFORM the 3-year and 10-year bar policies that keep families separated even when they may qualify for legal status. OPPOSE the construction of the wasteful Trump border wall, and instead empower Customs and Border Patrol agency with the resources necessary to do their jobs, including stopping the entry of dangerous drugs like fentanyl in all ports of entry. En el Congreso, el Delegado Vogel: Apoyará la Ley Bipartidista Sueño y Promesa Americana para proporcionar un camino hacia la ciudadanía para los beneficiarios de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA), los titulares de Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) y los beneficiarios de Salida Forzada Diferida (DED). Apoyará la Ley de Ciudadanía Estadounidense de 2023, para crear un camino hacia la ciudadanía, abordar las causas fundamentales de la migración, restaurar nuestro compromiso con los derechos humanos y proporcionar los recursos necesarios para gestionar la frontera con herramientas inteligentes, efectivas y humanas. Apoyará los esfuerzos estratégicos diplomáticos y de ayuda exterior para abordar las causas fundamentales de la migración mediante la promoción de la democracia, la prosperidad económica y la seguridad en Centroamérica. Se Opondrá Firmemente la Ley de Separación Infantil y las políticas de separación familiar que tratan con crueldad a las familias y a los niños. Apoyará a los esfuerzos para extender o ampliar el Título 42 y pedir la restauración total del acceso de los migrantes al asilo. Apoyará protecciones sólidas para los trabajadores que reciben visas de trabajo H-2B y trabajar con la administración para combatir el fraude y el abuso de este programa, especialmente en las industrias de la construcción y el paisajismo. Apoyará una opción de seguro médico financiada con fondos públicos para todos los estadounidenses, independientemente de sus circunstancias financieras o su estatus migratorio. Reformará las políticas de exclusión de 3 y 10 años que mantienen a las familias separadas incluso cuando pueden calificar para un estatus legal. Se Opondrá a la construcción del muro fronterizo de Trump y, en cambio, otorgará a la agencia de Aduanas y Patrulla Fronteriza los recursos necesarios para hacer su trabajo, incluida la detención de la entrada de drogas peligrosas como el fentanilo en todos los puertos de entrada. Una Buena Educación Para Todos Los Jóvenes En Nuestra Comunidad Mis abuelos en Uruguay abandonaron la escuela secundaria antes de poder graduarse para ayudar a mantener a sus familias. La capacidad de mis padres para obtener una educación secundaria y universitaria les abrió las puertas que finalmente llevaron a mi familia a los Estados Unidos. La educación es la mayor herramienta para la movilidad económica y el empoderamiento político en los Estados Unidos, y garantizar la igualdad de acceso ha sido una máxima prioridad. Es por eso que en la legislatura estoy luchando para asegurar que cada estudiante en Maryland tenga los recursos y la oportunidad de tener éxito. Llevaré esa lucha al Congreso. My grandparents in Uruguay dropped out of high school before they could graduate to provide for their families. My parents' ability to get a high school and college education, opened doors for them that ultimately led my family to the U.S.. Education is the greatest tool for economic mobility and political empowerment in America, and ensuring equal access has been a top priority. That’s why in the legislature, I’m fighting to make sure every student in Maryland has the resources and opportunity to succeed. I’ll bring that fight to Congress. In Congress, Delegate Vogel will: COSPONSOR the Student Loan Interest Elimination Act, refinance the interest rate of all existing federal student loans to zero percent while capping interest rates for future borrowers through a sliding scale based on need. Support the Equity and Excellence in American Education Act, aiming to create an equitable and excellent education system in the United States so that every child, regardless of race, ethnicity, social class, or State of residence, can receive a high-quality, academically rigorous education in a local public school. Support allocating greater federal funding for child care scholarship programs, and providing increased tax credits for child care options in underserved neighborhoods. Support the Supporting Young Language Learners’ Access to Bilingual Education (SYLLABLE) Act, Families Learning and Understanding English Together (FLUEnT) Act, and Reaching English Learners Act (RELA), three bills that fund more training for English Language Learner teachers, dual language programs in low-income school districts, and programs that enhance family literacy skills for English Language Learners. Support the College for All Act of 2023 allows students to attend public colleges and universities tuition- and debt-free. It also ensures that the vast majority of students who enroll at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AANAPISIs), and other Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) can attend tuition- and debt-free. Support the Universal School Meal Programs Act, providing free breakfast, lunch, and dinner to every student—without demanding they prove they are poor enough to deserve help getting three meals a day. It raises the rate of reimbursement for school meals, reimburses schools for student meal debt, and prohibits schools from refusing to provide a meal based on a student's ability to pay. Support the American Teacher Act establishes federal grants to increase the minimum salary of public elementary and secondary school teachers Support the Pell Grant Preservation and Expansion Act, doubling the Pell Grant and expanding program access to additional low-income students. OPPOSE the DEI Pay Cap Act, which would prohibit the Department of Defense from appointing or employing high-rank military or civilian employees for any position with specified diversity, equity, and inclusion components. En el Congreso, el Delegado Vogel: Apoyará la Ley de Eliminación de Intereses en Préstamos Estudiantiles, refinanciar la tasa de interés de todos los préstamos federales para estudiantes existentes al cero por ciento y al mismo tiempo limitar las tasas de interés para futuros prestatarios a través de una escala móvil basada en la necesidad. Apoyará la Ley de Equidad y Excelencia en la Educación Estadounidense, cuyo objetivo es crear un sistema educativo equitativo y excelente en los Estados Unidos para que todos los niños, independientemente de su raza, etnia, clase social o estado de residencia, puedan recibir una educación académica de alta calidad. educación rigurosa en una escuela pública local. Apoyará la asignación de mayores fondos federales para programas de becas para el cuidado infantil y la provisión de mayores créditos fiscales para opciones de cuidado infantil en vecindarios desatendidos. Apoyará la Ley de Apoyo al Acceso de los Jóvenes Aprendices de Idiomas a la Educación Bilingüe (SYLLABLE), la Ley de Familias que Aprenden y Comprenden el Inglés Juntas (FLUEnT) y la Ley de Reaching a los Estudiantes de Inglés (RELA), tres proyectos de ley que financian más capacitación para maestros de estudiantes de inglés, programas de lenguaje dual en distritos escolares de bajos ingresos y programas que mejoran las habilidades de alfabetización familiar para los estudiantes del idioma inglés. Apoyará la Ley de Universidades para Todos de 2023 permite a los estudiantes asistir a colegios y universidades públicas sin pagar matrícula ni deudas. También garantiza que la gran mayoría de los estudiantes que se inscriben en colegios y universidades históricamente negros (HBCU), colegios y universidades tribales (TCU), instituciones de servicio para hispanos (HSI), instituciones de servicio para asiáticoamericanos y nativos americanos de las islas del Pacífico (AAANAPISI), y otras instituciones de servicio a minorías (MSI) pueden asistir sin pagar matrícula ni deudas. Apoyará la Ley de Programas Universales de Comidas Escolares, que proporciona desayuno, almuerzo y cena gratuitos a todos los estudiantes, sin exigirles que demuestren que son lo suficientemente pobres como para merecer ayuda para recibir tres comidas al día. Aumenta la tasa de reembolso de las comidas escolares, reembolsa a las escuelas la deuda de comidas de los estudiantes y prohíbe a las escuelas negarse a proporcionar una comida en función de la capacidad de pago del estudiante. Apoyará la American Teacher Act establece subvenciones federales para aumentar el salario mínimo de los profesores de escuelas públicas de primaria y secundaria Apoyará la Ley de Preservación y Expansión de la Beca Pell, duplicando la Beca Pell y ampliando el acceso al programa a más estudiantes de bajos ingresos. Opondrá a la Ley de límite salarial DEI, que prohibiría al Departamento de Defensa nombrar o emplear empleados militares o civiles de alto rango para cualquier puesto con componentes específicos de diversidad, equidad e inclusión. Comunidades Seguras Para Todas Nuestras Familias Safe communities are critical to the economic and social well being of American families across the country, as the stability of neighborhoods pays important dividends for economic, educational, public health, and social outcomes. The pursuit of public safety must also account for the historical inequities in the criminal justice and policing systems, and ensure that the mechanisms and institutions charged with promoting community welfare are in line with the values and demographics of the community itself. Las comunidades seguras son fundamentales para el bienestar económico y social de las familias estadounidenses en todo el país, ya que la estabilidad de los vecindarios genera importantes dividendos en términos de resultados económicos, educativos, de salud pública y sociales. La búsqueda de la seguridad pública también debe tener en cuenta las desigualdades históricas en los sistemas policiales y de justicia penal, y garantizar que los mecanismos e instituciones encargados de promover el bienestar comunitario estén en línea con los valores y la demografía de la propia comunidad. In Congress, Delegate Vogel will: Support the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, lowering the criminal intent standard—from willful to knowing or reckless—to convict a law enforcement officer for misconduct in a federal prosecution, limiting qualified immunity as a defense to liability in a private civil action against a law enforcement officer or state correctional officer, and authorizing the Department of Justice to issue subpoenas in investigations of police departments for a pattern or practice of discrimination Support the NO HATE Act, providing incentives for hate crime reporting, grants for State-run hate crime hotlines, and additional penalties for individuals convicted under the Matthew Shephard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act Support the Police Training and Independent Review Act, requiring that enrollees at law enforcement academies receive sensitivity training on ethnic and racial bias, cultural diversity, and police interaction with the disabled, mentally ill, and new immigrant, and states adopt laws requiring independent investigations and prosecutions of law enforcement officers in cases where one or more of the alleged offenses involves an officer’s use of deadly force in the course of carrying out his or her official duties. Support the Police Accountability Act, establishing a new criminal offense for conduct by certain state or local law enforcement officers in the line of duty that constitutes murder or manslaughter in instances of fatal police brutality. Support the Stop Militarizing Law Enforcement Act, limiting the transfer of military equipment from the Department of Defense to police departments operating in the U.S. Support bans on assault weapons, bump stocks, ghost guns, and other weapons that contribute to gun violence in our communities Co-Sponsor the Stop Hate Crimes Act, lowering the statutory burden of proof for showing intent with respect to a federal hate crime offense in order to allow the Department of Justice to more effectively prosecute hate crime perpetrators across the country. Co-Sponsor the Hate Crimes Commission Act, establishing a U.S.Commission on Hate Crimes to study and make recommendations on the prevention of the commission of hate crimes, and for other purposes. En el Congreso, el Delegado Vogel: Apoyará la Ley de Justicia en la Policía George Floyd, que reduce el estándar de intención criminal (de intencional a consciente o imprudente) para condenar a un agente de la ley por mala conducta en un proceso federal, limitando la inmunidad calificada como defensa a la responsabilidad en una acción civil privada contra un funcionario encargado de hacer cumplir la ley o funcionario correccional estatal, y autorizar al Departamento de Justicia a emitir citaciones en investigaciones de departamentos de policía por un patrón o práctica de discriminación Apoyará la Ley NO ODIO, que proporciona incentivos para denunciar delitos de odio, subvenciones para líneas directas estatales sobre delitos de odio y sanciones adicionales para personas condenadas en virtud de la Ley de Prevención de Crímenes de Odio Matthew Shephard y James Byrd, Jr. Apoyará la Ley de Capacitación Policial y Revisión Independiente, que exige que los inscritos en las academias de aplicación de la ley reciban capacitación sobre sensibilidad sobre los prejuicios étnicos y raciales, la diversidad cultural y la interacción policial con los discapacitados, los enfermos mentales y los nuevos inmigrantes, y que los estados adopten leyes que exijan investigaciones independientes y enjuiciamientos de agentes del orden en los casos en que uno o más de los presuntos delitos impliquen el uso de fuerza letal por parte de un agente en el desempeño de sus funciones oficiales. Apoyará la Ley de Responsabilidad Policial, que establece un nuevo delito penal para la conducta de ciertos agentes del orden estatales o locales en el cumplimiento de su deber que constituye asesinato u homicidio involuntario en casos de brutalidad policial fatal. Apoyará la Ley para detener la militarización de la aplicación de la ley, que limita la transferencia de equipo militar del Departamento de Defensa a los departamentos de policía que operan en los EE. UU. Apoyará las prohibiciones de armas de asalto, culatas, armas fantasma y otras armas que contribuyen a la violencia armada en nuestras comunidades. Apoyará la Ley para detener los delitos de odio, que reduce la carga legal de la prueba para demostrar la intención con respecto a un delito de delito de odio federal a fin de permitir que el Departamento de Justicia procese de manera más efectiva a los perpetradores de delitos de odio en todo el país. Apoyará la Ley de la Comisión de Crímenes de Odio, que establece una Comisión de los Estados Unidos sobre Crímenes de Odio para estudiar y hacer recomendaciones sobre la prevención de la comisión de delitos de odio, y para otros fines. Una Política Exterior Que Centre a América Latina Las relaciones entre Estados Unidos y América Latina deben ser una prioridad importante para nuestro gobierno. No sólo muchos estadounidenses, incluido yo mismo, tenemos fuertes vínculos personales y culturales con las naciones de América Latina, sino que una región latinoamericana fuerte y próspera es parte integral de un hemisferio estable y próspero para todos. En el Congreso, promoveré un mayor enfoque en las relaciones comerciales en América Central y del Sur y abogaré por relaciones diplomáticas más sólidas con nuestros aliados latinoamericanos. The relationships between the United States and Latin America must be an important priority for our government. Not only do many Americans, myself included, have strong personal and cultural ties to the nations of Latin America, a strong and prosperous Latin American region is integral to a stable and thriving hemisphere for all. In Congress, I will promote an increased focus on trade relations in Central and South America and advocate for stronger diplomatic relations with our Latin American allies. In Congress, Delegate Vogel will: Support the Prohibiting Unauthorized Military Action in Venezuela Act, restating the prohibition on the use of offensive force unless previously and specifically authorized by Congress. The measure would also prevent funds from being appropriated to the Pentagon for any such unauthorized hostilities. Support the Berta Caceres Human Rights in Honduras Act, suspending United States security assistance with Honduras unless and until the Honduran government investigates the credible allegations of gross violations of human rights by their security forces and ensures that any perpetrators of such violations are brought to justice. Support financial aid for Latin American countries in the form of sustainable, modernizing infrastructure development programs and business relation cultivation. En el Congreso, el Delegado Vogel: Apoyará la Ley de Prohibición de Acciones Militares No Autorizadas en Venezuela, reafirmando la prohibición del uso de la fuerza ofensiva a menos que sea previa y específicamente autorizada por el Congreso. La medida también impediría que se asignen fondos al Pentágono para tales hostilidades no autorizadas. Apoyará la Ley Berta Cáceres de Derechos Humanos en Honduras, que suspende la asistencia de seguridad de Estados Unidos a Honduras a menos y hasta que el gobierno hondureño investigue las acusaciones creíbles de graves violaciones de derechos humanos por parte de sus fuerzas de seguridad y garantice que los autores de dichas violaciones sean llevados ante la justicia. Apoyará ayuda financiera para los países latinoamericanos en forma de programas sostenibles y modernizadores de desarrollo de infraestructura y cultivo de relaciones comerciales. Acceso A Internet Para Todos En Nuestra Comunidad El acceso a Internet es fundamental para el éxito de la economía moderna y, como tal, ampliar el acceso a Internet de banda ancha es un componente esencial para promover el crecimiento económico inclusivo. Al aumentar el acceso a Internet, conectaremos a nuestra comunidad con empleos, recursos educativos y otros recursos que son fundamentales para promover la prosperidad y la movilidad ascendente en la comunidad latina. Internet access is critical to success in the modern economy, and as such expanding access to broadband internet is an essential component of promoting inclusive economic growth. By increasing access to the internet, we will connect our community to jobs, educational resources, and other supports that are central to promoting prosperity and upward mobility in the Latino community. In Congress, Delegate Vogel will: Support the Connecting Minority Communities Act of 2020, establishing the Office of Minority Broadband Initiatives, the Connecting Minority Communities Task Force, and the Connecting Minority Communities Pilot Program to facilitate, foster, and fund broadband internet access service and digital literacy in minority communities. Support the ​​Broadband for Rural America Act, expanding the Department of Agriculture programs for rolling-out broadband internet in rural areas. Support the Connecting Minority Communities Pilot Program, establishing a $268 million grant program to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), and Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) for the purchase of broadband internet access service and eligible equipment or to hire and train information technology personnel. En el Congreso, el Delegado Vogel: Apoyará la Ley de Conexión de Comunidades Minoritarias de 2020, que establece la Oficina de Iniciativas de Banda Ancha para Minorías, el Grupo de Trabajo de Conexión de Comunidades Minoritarias y el Programa Piloto de Conexión de Comunidades Minoritarias para facilitar, fomentar y financiar el servicio de acceso a Internet de banda ancha y la alfabetización digital en comunidades minoritarias. Apoyará la Ley de Banda Ancha para América Rural, que amplía los programas del Departamento de Agricultura para implementar Internet de banda ancha en áreas rurales. Apoyará el Programa Piloto Conectando Comunidades Minoritarias, que establece un programa de subvenciones de $268 millones para colegios y universidades históricamente negros (HBCU), colegios y universidades tribales (TCU) e instituciones que prestan servicios a minorías (MSI) para la compra de servicios de acceso a Internet de banda ancha y elegibles. equipos o para contratar y capacitar personal de tecnología de la información.
  • Supporting LGBTQ+ Marylanders
    As potentially Maryland's first out LGBTQ+ Member of Congress, my focus isn't on personal milestones but on the progress and representation of the LGBTQ+ community. With only 13 out LGBTQ+ Americans ever serving in Congress, visibility and advocacy in the legislature are crucial. I am dedicated to championing LGBTQ+ rights against increasing challenges. My agenda includes passing the Equality Act for nondiscrimination, enhancing health outcomes, protecting transgender individuals from harmful policies, and promoting LGBTQ+ rights globally. In Congress, I will: COSPONSOR the Equality Act, prohibiting discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity in areas including public accommodations and facilities, education, federal funding, employment, housing, credit, and the jury system COSPONSOR the PrEP Access and Coverage Act, requiring all insurance plans to cover preventative HIV medication at no out-of-pocket cost to patients COSPONSOR the GLOBE Act, establishing an interagency group to respond to urgent threats to LGBTQ+ people in foreign countries, as well as a permanent Special Envoy for the Human Rights of LGBTQ+ Peoples in the Department of State COSPONSOR the International Human Rights Defense Act, making the prevention and response to discrimination and violence against the LGBTQ+ community a foreign policy priority for the United States government COSPONSOR the Pride in Mental Health Act, providing grants for mental health services for LGBTQ+ youth
  • A Fair Immigration System
    Like many Maryland families, my family immigrated to the United States and fell in love with this country. Our country is one of immigrants, and immigration has enriched our community, our state, and our country in countless ways. My story, however, is different from the stories of many immigrants who I have met and organized with, who come here under far more challenging circumstances and face great adversity. Cruel anti-immigrant rhetoric and policies pose real dangers to immigrant families in Maryland. We can fix our immigration system, protect our border, and promote fairness in immigration while still treating all immigrants with dignity and respect. My top immigration priority in Congress will be standing up for DACA recipients, and finally securing a pathway to full citizenship for DREAMers. In Congress, I will: COSPONSOR the American Dream and Promise Act, providing certain undocumented immigrants with a path to receive permanent resident status PROTECT the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program SUPPORT the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, protecting the rights of farmworkers and create pathways to citizenship COSPONSOR the Refugee Protection Act, eliminating the statutory time limit for applying for asylum (currently one year after arriving in the United States), establishing stateless protected status for individuals who are not considered a national by any country under that country’s law, and requiring the goal for refugee admissions for any given fiscal year to be no fewer than 125,000 SUPPORT the POWER Act, allowing immigrant workers to obtain a U visa — a type of visa granted to victims of certain crimes who can assist law enforcement with the investigation or prosecution of criminal activity — while a labor complaint is under investigation SUPPORT the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2023, protecting workers from exploitation and retaliation by strengthening wage protections for farm workers, increasing penalties for violations of the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Workers Act and the Fair Labor Standards Act, and clarifying that workers, regardless of immigration status, are covered by labor and employment laws SUPPORT the bipartisan Dignity Act, enhancing border infrastructure and equipment, and investing in border communities and addressing border security
  • Housing
    Housing is foundational to helping all Marylanders thrive, and is the bedrock upon which health, nutrition, and economic opportunity are built. As Maryland’s next member of Congress, I am committed to ushering in historic investments in housing, bringing down costs for renters and buyers, while supporting the efforts of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to shape housing policies that create greater housing security for all Marylanders, no matter their economic situation or immigration status. In Congress, I will: COSPONSOR the American Housing and Economic Mobility Act, bringing down costs for renters and buyers, and leveling the playing field so working families everywhere can find a decent place to live at a decent price, helping American families find the solid foundation required for economic success SUPPORT the End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act of 2023, increasing the housing supply by mandating that large private equity firms and hedge funds sell off all single-family homes over a 10-year period, and fully phase out such practice SUPPORT the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act, expanding the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit to encourage investment in the development and maintenance of affordable housing
  • Promoting Quality Education
    Every Maryland child has a right to a good public education regardless of their zip code, and ensuring equal access is a top priority of mine. I know the value of a good education. My grandparents dropped out of high school to provide for their families in Uruguay. My parents' ability to get a high school and college education opened doors that led my family to immigrate to the United States. I was proud to earn the support of the Montgomery County Education Association –the largest teacher’s union in our area– during my campaign for Delegate, because we stood behind the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future and advocated for increasing funding to our community schools. As Delegate, I have supported the revitalization of the Child Care Scholarship Program to improve access to early childhood education, supported the Maryland Meals for Achievement In-Classroom Breakfast Program to fight hunger in schools, fought for increasing the number of diverse educators, and sponsored the School Psychologist Recruitment Program to give our students greater access to mental health professionals. In Congress, I will support funding tuition-free higher education, including at our trade schools and community colleges, and will be a champion of students, teachers, and staff to make sure our kids have the best chance to succeed. In Congress, I will: FULLY FUND the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, ensuring the federal government can continue providing funding and guidance to state educational systems OPPOSE the States' Education Reclamation Act, a bill that abolishes the Department of Education and repeals any program for which it has administrative responsibility, catastrophically hamstringing the federal government’s ability to promote higher educational outcomes and equity COSPONSOR the Supporting Young Language Learners’ Access to Bilingual Education (SYLLABLE) Act, authorizing the Department of Education to award up to five grants to partnerships of local educational agencies, early childhood education programs, and technical assistance entities for the implementation of dual language immersion programs to serve low-income children, including English learners and minority children, in high-need schools from preschool through 5th grade COSPONSOR the Reaching English Learners Act (RELA), establishing a grant program for preparing future teachers to effectively instruct English learners to achieve at high levels in early childhood education programs and in elementary and secondary schools
  • Protecting Democracy and the Right to Vote
    American democracy exists because people vote and it is our job to make that process easy for every American. From my own personal experiences, I am painfully aware of how high the stakes are. My great-grandparents were forced to leave their families and flee Europe on the eve of the Holocaust, and my grandparents and parents lived under a repressive military dictatorship in Uruguay. As extremists work to erode American democracy, I refuse to be the fourth generation in my family to witness democracy crumble. When elected to Congress, I will fight against restrictive voter ID laws that are designed to suppress the vote from underrepresented communities, protect early voting to ensure greater access to the polls, and combat political gerrymandering so that voters choose who represents them, not the other way around. I will support legislation to reform our campaign finance laws to ensure middle-class families are not drowned out by corporate money that corrupts our elections. And I will empower the Department of Justice to take action against any state that attempts to restrict the right to vote. In Congress, I will: COSPONSOR the For the People Act, expanding voter access and registration options, reforming campaign finance laws to limit the power of corporate interests, improving election security measures, and establishing independent redistricting commissions to carry out congressional redistricting COSPONSOR the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, establishing new criteria for determining which states must obtain preclearance before changes to voting practices may take effect to ensure the DOJ can prevent states from committing voter suppression and denying marginalized communities their fair voice in elections COSPONSOR the Freedom to Vote Act, expanding voter registration, making election day a federal holiday, preventing former-felon disenfranchisement, criminalizing voter obstruction, and setting new guardrails for campaign finance SUPPORT the Washington, D.C. Admission Act, granting Washington, D.C. statehood, finally giving its citizens full representation in Congress, and ensuring that the citizens and elected leaders of the District of Columbia have full authority over local affairs, including crucial safety and security matters
  • Foreign Policy
    Our foreign policy should reflect the interests and values of the American people as we engage with our allies and adversaries. This includes being a consistent voice for human rights, democracy, and peace. At a time when democracy around the world is regressing, we must be a strong global example. We need a strong and intentional foreign policy to counter the threats of our adversaries, address the global climate crisis, advance global trade, and secure democracy and human rights around the world. Bolstering International Democracy In Congress, I will be a strong voice in support of increased investment in effective global democracy assistance spending through the Department of State, USAID, and independent democracy assistance agencies. I will work to ensure the United States, both independently and in cooperation with our international partners, prioritizes building up the rule of law, promoting good governance and political competition, and supporting the growth of civil society and a free press to help advance democracies and secure human rights. Investing in more stable and democratic countries is in the long-term interest of the United States, and all who seek a more peaceful and stable world. Strategically Engaging China When it comes to U.S -China relations, the foremost concern of the United States should be promoting the security and wellbeing of the American people. This involves taking immediate steps to promote national security: strengthening our supply chains to reduce economic dependency on China, and investing in critical emerging technologies. Equally important is investing in bilateral and multilateral security and economic partnerships in the region. The United States and China have experienced periods of both tension and cooperation; today we must remain committed to diplomacy even amidst heightened tensions. Whether in addressing the climate crisis, international development, and scientific advancement, there are opportunities for cooperation. Particularly on the issue of climate change, U.S.-China cooperation will be the centerpiece of reducing global emissions and building international consensus to overcome this challenge. Even while finding opportunities for deescalation and cooperation however, the United States must always stand strong in our defense of human rights, free trade, and the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity. We must continue to be a champion of those causes across the Indopacific. Supporting Ukraine The United States has led the world in condemning and countering the illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine, providing critical support to the Ukrainians in defense of their sovereignty and territorial integrity. This is a war for democracy, and the United States must stand strong against Russian aggression. The United States has a responsibility to continue backing the people of Ukraine, not only as a defense of a valued European partner in its time of need, but as a clear declaration of our resolve to deter any further Russian aggression that would endanger our NATO allies. Promoting Peace and Security for Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza After the unconscionable attacks by Hamas on October 7, in which over 1,400 innocent Israelis, men, women, and children were brutally murdered and over 200 were taken hostages, I’ve remained vocal in my support for Israel’s right to defend itself. I fully support President Biden's $14.3 billion emergency supplemental request, and believe that the United States should continue its support for Israel in its efforts to root out the threat of Hamas and provide for its defense. As such, I am committed to fully funding Iron Dome battery replenishments without delay, and support continued military aid during this conflict and beyond. But I also recognize that as Israel’s closest ally, we must work together to ensure lasting peace and security are pursued through tactics that reflect international law, our shared values, and our common respect for human life. As we support Israel’s right to defend itself, we should also demand restraint and protection of all civilian life. I will support direct negotiations between the Israeli and Palestinian governments to reach a two-state solution and lasting peace, and I oppose any efforts that undermine future prospects of peace. The United States and Israel should build on the progress of the Abraham Accords to promote regional stability and the normalization of relations between Israel and Arab countries. In Congress, I will join the Abraham Accords Caucus and be a strong voice in support of new U.S. mediated normalization agreements between Israel and other countries in the region. Reinvesting in Relations with Latin America The relationships between the United States and Latin America must be an important priority for our government. Not only do many Americans, myself included, have strong personal and cultural ties to the nations of Latin America, a strong and prosperous Latin American region is integral to a stable and thriving hemisphere for all. In Congress, I will promote an increased focus on trade relations in Central and South America. I will advocate for stronger diplomatic relations with our Latin American allies, and work to provide development aid alternatives to China’s risky Belt and Road Initiative projects. I will also support the Biden Administration’s efforts to deepen investments in the Northern Triangle, helping build prosperity and economic opportunity, while promoting security and stability in the region.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity
    Artificial Intelligence technology is on the verge of revolutionizing almost every facet of our lives, from education and art to military tactics and medicine. It is critical that the United States be at the forefront of this innovation, both to reap the economic and societal rewards of AI adoption, but also to lead the way in setting the safety and ethical standards for responsible AI development. When elected, I will look to institutionalize through legislation i) requirements that developers of the most powerful AI systems share their safety test results and other critical information with the U.S. government, ii) charter amendments for the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Commerce to develop a new safety standards that all AI developments must comply with, iii) new data privacy laws incorporating the best practices to protect the privacy and sensitive information of every Marylander , and iv) protections informed by the Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights to guard against algorithmic discrimination. Additionally, AI regulation must be an international, multilateral undertaking. Alongside climate change, this is one of the most critical issues on which we must come together with partners and competitors to establish international norms, guardrails, and laws that ensure safe, ethical AI development. We also need to invest in the future of AI technology’s integration into our systems. I support increasing federal funding for degree programs at public universities and community colleges focused on machine learning certifications and AI studies to produce a generation of Americans ready to incorporate AI technology across diverse business sectors, finding good paying jobs in the process.
  • Cryptocurrency
    I believe cryptocurrencies present a significant opportunity to strengthen our financial system, advance financial inclusion, and maintain American global financial leadership. I’m committed to ensuring the growth and competitiveness of this industry, while crafting smart and sensible regulations to guard against risks to financial stability, protect consumers, and mitigate illicit finance and national security risks. When elected, I’d be an advocate for blockchain technology as a member of the Congressional Blockchain Caucus. I recognize the responsibility Congress has in unlocking the true potential of this technology, while creating guardrails that protect Americans from the risks of offshore and unregulated entities such as FTX. I will be a strong advocate for a regulatory framework that protects Americans interests in this new financial ecosystem, recognizing that entrepreneurs and innovators are helping create a new generation of the internet. There is a clear role for industry and government to collaborate and study the implications of blockchain and digital asset networks, and Congress can and must be that bridge. In Congress, I will: COSPONSOR the Consumer Safety Technology Act, which directs the Secretary of Commerce and the Federal Trade Commission to study and report on the use of blockchain technology and digital tokens, respectively.

Soy el único demócrata latino que se postula en este distrito.

Estoy orgulloso de contar con el apoyo de líderes como Grace Rivera Oven y Ana Sol Gutiérrez. He asumido duras luchas en Annapolis y, como su representante en el Congreso, continuaré luchando por lo que importa: ampliación de oportunidades, un sistema de inmigración que sea humanitario, y un acceso equitativo a una atención médica de calidad.


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