In Congress, I’ll fight for older Americans because everyone deserves to age with dignity in the community they call home. Right now, Maryland’s seniors need our leaders to act to help make that a reality. The pandemic exposed and exacerbated long-standing challenges impacting our senior care and health care systems. We have a responsibility to our elders to ensure these challenges are addressed.
In Congress, I will be a fierce defender of Social Security and Medicare. At the same time, I will work across the aisle to improve the deliverability of these programs, improve access to affordable and quality long-term care, reduce the cost of prescription drugs, and provide options for seniors to remain active in their communities.
In Congress, I will:
COSPONSOR the Supporting Our Seniors Act, creating a National Advisory Commission on long-term care services for seniors and individuals in need of support for activities of daily living that would assess and provide regular reporting to Congress on service delivery, financing, workforce adequacy, and other issues related to long-term care to help increase access to affordable care services
RENEW the Older Americans Act Reauthorization (set to expire in 2024), helping aging Americans access skillbuilding and capacity-building training to remain active in their communities as they choose to and supporting senior and community centers across the country
SUPPORT the Senior Hunger Prevention Act, streamlining nutrition access for older adults and adults with disabilities. No senior in our country should go hungry
SUPPORT the Fraud and Scam Reduction Act, establishing a Senior Scams Prevention Advisory Group to create model educational materials to educate employees of retailers, financial-services companies, and wire-transfer companies on how to identify and prevent scams that affect older adults, as well as establish an advisory office in the Bureau of Consumer Protection to assist the FTC in monitoring scams targeting older adults, educating consumers, and receiving complaints