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Creating Good Paying Jobs from Oakland to Gaithersburg

Creating good-paying jobs here in Maryland’s 6th Congressional District will be my top priority in Congress. I’ll work with anyone or go anywhere, if it means helping grow our MD-06 businesses, or helping bring businesses home. Jobs are about more than just an income, it’s about purpose, community, and securing a better future for our families.

I come from a small-business family. My grandfather in Uruguay was a union electrician, who opened up a corner store that grew into an electric equipment supply company. I understand the value of hard work, and how starting a small business, and creating news jobs, can transform a life, a family, and a community.

In Congress, I’ll be Western Maryland's top ambassador for recruiting new businesses to come here – and will be a tireless champion for helping small businesses here grow.

Prior to serving as Delegate, I worked with the group Interfaith Works on their poverty alleviation efforts. Organizations like Interfaith Works play an important role in supporting our communities, but we need our leaders to take action. Upon being elected to the Maryland legislature, I helped advance legislation to protect collective bargaining rights for teachers, raise the minimum wage, and expand the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit to support middle-class families.

When elected, I will fight to raise the federal minimum wage and advocate for economic policies that will uplift the middle class. To build a future of renewed economic opportunity and sustainable communities, we need to support entrepreneurship, expand access to pipelines to higher education and the private sector for everyone, and support a thriving small business community to power local economies. This will create jobs and give working families the tools they need to thrive.

In Congress, I will:

  • SUPPORT Buy American policies such as those in the Inflation Reduction Act that require a certain threshold of EV components to be made in the United States to be eligible for government subsidies and those in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that created new opportunities for good-paying infrastructure construction jobs and included the Build America Buy America provision to promote domestic supplying.

  • SUPPORT the STEM Restart Act, which would create a new national program to support mid-career workers in reentering the STEM workforce by providing small and medium sized STEM businesses funding to offer paid internships and returnships.

  • SUPPORT the Workforce Development Investment Act, creating a tax credit for businesses to partner with community colleges and apprenticeship programs to develop workforce training programs for locally in-demand skills.

  • SUPPORT the No Tax Breaks for Outsourcing Act, ending incentives for jobs and profits overseas and ensure multinational corporations pay the same tax rate on profits earned abroad as they do in the United States

  • SUPPORT the Paycheck Fairness Act, promoting greater accountability for gender based compensation discrimination.

  • COSPONSOR the EITC Modernization Act, extending Earned Income Tax Credits to caregivers and students pursuing higher education or advanced degrees.

  • COSPONSOR the Critical Infrastructure Manufacturing Feasibility Act, requiring the Department of Commerce to study and report on products in high demand across critical infrastructure sectors that are currently being imported due to manufacturing or supply chain constraints, and analyze the costs, benefits, and feasibility of manufacturing those products in the United States.

  • SUPPORT the University Centers for 4 Growth, Development, and Prosperity Act of 2023, expanding federal partnerships that use the resources of universities to strengthen regional economic growth by promoting innovation, entrepreneurship, and job creation in minority communities.

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