Every Maryland child has a right to a good public education regardless of their zip code, and ensuring equal access is a top priority of mine. I know the value of a good education. My grandparents dropped out of high school to provide for their families in Uruguay. My parents' ability to get a high school and college education opened doors that led my family to immigrate to the United States.
I was proud to earn the support of the Montgomery County Education Association –the largest teacher’s union in our area– during my campaign for Delegate, because we stood behind the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future and advocated for increasing funding to our community schools. As Delegate, I have supported the revitalization of the Child Care Scholarship Program to improve access to early childhood education, supported the Maryland Meals for Achievement In-Classroom Breakfast Program to fight hunger in schools, fought for increasing the number of diverse educators, and sponsored the School Psychologist Recruitment Program to give our students greater access to mental health professionals.
In Congress, I will support funding tuition-free higher education, including at our trade schools and community colleges, and will be a champion of students, teachers, and staff to make sure our kids have the best chance to succeed.
In Congress, I will:
FULLY FUND the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, ensuring the federal government can continue providing funding and guidance to state educational systems
OPPOSE the States' Education Reclamation Act, a bill that abolishes the Department of Education and repeals any program for which it has administrative responsibility, catastrophically hamstringing the federal government’s ability to promote higher educational outcomes and equity
COSPONSOR the Supporting Young Language Learners’ Access to Bilingual Education (SYLLABLE) Act, authorizing the Department of Education to award up to five grants to partnerships of local educational agencies, early childhood education programs, and technical assistance entities for the implementation of dual language immersion programs to serve low-income children, including English learners and minority children, in high-need schools from preschool through 5th grade
COSPONSOR the Reaching English Learners Act (RELA), establishing a grant program for preparing future teachers to effectively instruct English learners to achieve at high levels in early childhood education programs and in elementary and secondary schools